The Magic of this Day 11:11 Divine Portal channels opening wide to increase your Intuition and Manifestation. Daily sightings of 11:11 keep you grounded in your Spiritual Guidance.
11:11 Master Number Universal Vibration of Supernatural Intuition increases; A Divine Portal with direct Spiritual Connection; Rapid Manifestations of all kinds...
11:11 Gateway to Ascension. Since 11/11/1919 to now, 11/11/2020, it’s been 101 (reduces to 11) years since this double digit Universal phenomenon has occurred with double digit manifesting Magic.
11:11 Portal Transformation of your Inner Soul’s Worth, bringing it to its Authentic Path. This Portal can be a reset button for 2021’s Manifesting Prosperity.
11:11 Trust your Intuition. Let Go of what’s not serving you. Have Self Love and Self Care Daily Practices. Dream Big Today. Feel your Self already in the Energy of your imagination, as you bring forth your Soul’s deeper desires.
11:11 is our DNA Sacred Divinity, as we transcend 3D matrix physical humanity into Higher Dimensions of Consciousness Light Beings, our True Truth Authentic Self.
11:11 is a Portal Activation for ALL those Awake or not. Every Being on this beloved planet will have their DNA Activated for the Ascension, your Divine Mission for Expression.
11:11 Code, WE are adding to the Light of the world. Your “I Am Presence” will be in this Light Wave Activation. Heaven will direct this 11:11 Illumination Day!
To all those Veterans who served,