Today is Easter Sunday. This day Yeshua, Jesus arose from the dead. HE came back from beyond the veil. Respect Life as it is given with its many cycles.
There is much death today as the Old Self is released, making room for the Higher Self; the Divine Self.
We are experiencing death and we are experiencing rebirth of New Life.
This is Divine Timing for the Spring Equinox has just occurred, where things have been dormant for winter. Spring brings Rebirth and Birth. We are living parallel with Mother Earth.
Yeshua, Jesus presents to us our Divine Self. After HE lived a life by ‘THE WAY’ of Truth, HE was able to return from beyond the veil. HE was showing us the Power we actually have.
Yeshua, Jesus often said, “ you can do this and much more” . This is our time to Live in Truth, to be in Truth, to Love in Truth. Truth will set you free from your own self created walls of limitations.
We need to understand more about Christ Consciousness as we Celebrate the Day of Yeshua’s, Jesus’ Resurrection. HE has showed us Life, Death and Resurrection. HE showed us how precious Life really is.
Yeshua, Jesus helped us embody Truth and The Christ Consciousness Vibration of Love and Light. HE brought that Energy here for US. HIS Light has saved many lives. HIS Passion held many Hearts.
Yeshua, Jesus Surrendered much for us. HIS Energy is very Present. All the Mystics that have come after HIM, have experienced much of HIS ENERGY. Divine Energy is here for everyone. We are Infinite Eternal Beings of Love and Light.
GOD Loves You!