May we celebrate our planetary Ascension, especially during this time of great change as we approach ‘Earth Day’. May we celebrate our incarnation into this physical realm.
May we realize how much our physical body has now shifted into Light, many Light Codes are being Activated and have been Activated. May we realize our reality is changing daily into Higher Consciousness.
May we realize there is no going back to any ‘old way’. All things are being made new again through this Divine Timing shift. You will Welcome the Shift.
May we realize more of Heaven is on Earth now than ever before. May we realize all those who have left, will be back again in Higher states of Consciousness.
May we realize we will live out our Soul Journey the best way we can. May we realize that everyday is a new Energy of Higher Love and Higher Light. May we Embrace each and every day. GOD BLESS!

GOD Loves You!