Full Pink (11.33PM) EST) Moon in Scorpio today this 26 day of April. Will you be concealing or revealing? This Energy will make it hard to keep secrets.
Scorpio Energy has the power to pull out your darkest dark shadows and also your most enlightened Light. We will be Recalibrating on a cellular level.
Withdraw your Self, really step back and look very logically to figure out your Solutions. Be calm about it and look very carefully at what’s happening and actually FIX IT.
There will be a shift to your own inborn, natural Spiritual Consciousness perception. You will understand more and have the Clarity to back it up.
You’ll begin to stand more in your Divine Spiritual Power, where you actually feel victorious over your life. You’ll notice more of your Divinity coming through. Pay attention.
This Pink Full Moon in Scorpio will have you Transforming to meet any Challenges. You’ll notice the Chance to embrace your impermanence and break out of your old resistance patterns.
This Full Moon in Scorpio gives you the best opportunity to Let Go of personal limitations, old attachments and comfort zones. This will be a year of CHANGE.
Happy Birthday Michele
GOD Loves You!