12/12/20 Portal of Light. A year of Divine Soul Transformation. A year of seeing clearly where are Choices have taken us. A year with Divine Soul Solitude, to better hear the Whispers of Heaven. 12/12 Many are seeing this signal, sign, code. 12/12 signifies Transformation. You are going from a physical carbon model to a Divine Crystalline Light module. You have a lot of Divine support. WE are going from our Old Soul ego Self, to our Divine Soul Self Truth. 12/12 really is ‘33’, a Universal Master Number; a major significant powerful number. 12/12 Angel Number. A Power Day in Repeating Number patterns. 1 represents Divine Masculine. 2 represents Divine Feminine. They will blend together this day, both in the Universe and Within You. 12/12 can be seen during times of Change in your own life, as we know Mother Earth is definitely Changing. For You, it can be an external Change of physically moving or an Internal Change of growth and Consciousness. 12/12 Embrace your Divine Masculine and your Divine Feminine. ‘1’- Be assertive and Self motivated while approaching unknown territory. ‘2’ - Check in and align with your Intuition for Self Mastery. Observe Quietude to tap into your Divine Sacred Soul And Heart. Listen to it’s Heart beat, follow its Sacred Wisdom. Trust your Soul. Observe the dark and the Light, Yin and Yang, fear and shadow.
Rebirthing of the Divine Soul. 12/12 Higher Vibrational Frequencies are coming in. Renewal with Divine Spiritual Purification, to Awaken as a Higher Consciousness You.