Claim who you are NOW at Soul level. This is your level of Truth, your Soul is your Divine Truth. Claim your Soul NOW.
Your Soul is the living breathing Divine Essence of GOD in the here and now. This is your Divine Paradox of Heaven on Earth. What seems small is big, what seems big is small.
Once you realize your Truth and follow your Soul, everything Changes and Shifts all on its own. There is no magic button. You are the MAGIC.
Miracles upon Miracles begin to show up as you claim your Authenticity. You are a Divine Being having a human experience, not the other way around like you were told here on this planet.
We are All Multidimensional. Once the 2012 Shift catapulted us dimensionally, things began to take off. The Wisdom Factor has been met. It was the necessary Shift from the Harmonic Convergence from 1987 to put us where we are now.
GOD Loves You!
You are the MAGIC…♥️