Happy All Saints Day, All Hallows’ Day. It’s the Feast Day of All Saints, Feast of All Hallows’, the Solemnity of All Saints and Hallowmas.
It was called ‘Toussaint’ or ‘Tous les Saints’ as a Catholic Holiday, Catholic Festival in a French Tradition. It’s actually centuries old, from the 4th Century.
This Day truly honors All Saints, whether they are known or unknown. It’s the middle day of AllHallowTide, the trilogy of the 3 days, October 31, November 1, November 2.
The Christians started ‘All Saints Day’ celebrations from a belief that there is a powerful Spiritual bond between those in Heaven and those living.
This day was actually started by the Greek Christians. There were many places that Celebrated the Christian martyrs. It was held on May 13 in certain places, some places it would be the Sunday after Pentecost, or the Friday after Easter. Pope Gregory IV in the 9th Century opened the whole Church to Nov 1 Celebrations.
All Saints Day for Catholic theology is for those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. For Methodist theology it is giving GOD solemn thanks for the lives and deaths of HIS Saints.
GOD Loves You!

Solemnity of All Saints…💜