Aquarius New Moon this Feb 1 at 12degrees. It carries the energy of innovation. Reinventing your Self. Being present and ok with who ‘YOU’ are is great. New Moon, New Beginnings, Aquarius pulls things apart to look at them.
Old beliefs that are outworn need to be released. Trust ALL the ways you are a Sacred Being, at all times. Healing here is about Self Acceptance on every level.
Validate everything that’s happening Within you, validate that, whatever it is. Your Inner Knowing allows things to flow from you. You are integrating with your Authentic Self.
You will feel uncomfortable with how others feel about you and around you. You have to feel this and Empower your Self Expression. Heal your Consciousness around your Life Purpose. See, feel and know through your perception about ‘YOU’.
Get energetically more grounded by what’s happening Within you.
Aquarius Energy of Ethics, happening now. Aquarius illumination is happening here, your Awareness has increased. Any labels or categories can be distracting to you.
Feminine Energy is present in your feelings and emotions, don’t go outside your Self for this. Rise up in your Energy and things will flow. Self Love is necessary. Feminine Energy is bringing you to your core.
Natural Flow of Natural Law, is what’s happening here as well. Humanity is raising Consciousness of humans. Get comfortable with what you’re about, you’ll get more detached. Self Confidence comes in here, it’s Validating Energy for you and it grounds YOU.
GOD Loves You!
Angel Messages
New Moon in Aquarius ♒️