Be in search of the Heart of GOD, Divine Source. Be in search of that Great Love. Be in search of Compassion so deep it will pull your Soul’s together.
The search for the Divine Heart can be a life long Journey. Every place you turn, every place you look, you will find the Heart of GOD, Divine Source.
Go deeper on your Journey, find that Divine, Sacred Heart in you. WE are made in the image and likeness of GOD, Divine Source.
Go about your days, your life, with this Sacred Heart we’ve been granted but don’t really ever use. WE must learn to use it together and all of the time.
Bow down to that Sacred Heart Within. Yes, it’s there and it’s forever there. It’s truly part of our Divine Creation. You can not go from the outside world and expect to have Compassion and Love, it comes from Within, Sacred Divine Feminine Energy.
GOD Loves You!

Search for your Divine Heart …💜
Angel Messages 😇