Full Moon in Cancer this Dec 29.
Take a look at your year in review. What do you see? What did you change? What changed you?
Honor your Self and what brought you to where you are now. What were some of your life challenges?
Where did you steer your Soul’s compass? And why?
What was revealed to you during this year? What gifts arose from Within your Soul? What did you recognize as your strengths? Your weaknesses?
Were you able to rise above your Power issues? Could you see how you lose and gain your Power? Can you see how important your Soul’s Power really is? Are you imagining and picturing your Sacred Soul’s Self Empowerment?
Are you Breathing into your Sacred Heart? Are you letting your emotions flow? Can you feel your Soul coming from the ashes?
The Great Conjunction arrived on Dec 21. The two gas Giants are shifting everything in this world to allow old things to leave and for All Things New. New Birth, New Way, New Life, the Truth.
Self Love, Self Worth are high on your categories of Self Expression, Soul Experience. Behold your Blessings, Embrace your Heart.
Holy Listen to your Intuition, your Guidance system. Follow your Soul’s Heart, it is directly in alignment with the Divine. Have intentions for 2021, thought goes into form.
GOD Loves You!
The Soul Alchemist™