Be open to the Newness that’s coming with this New Moon in Capricorn. You have a chance to rewrite your dreams into the future.
Go forward with your Divine plans. The Divine will meet you half way. Don’t get stuck without a choice or at least leave room for a plan into your future desires.
There is a death here of the old ways, old meanings, old passages, old sayings, old paradigms, past life energies. Leave the old shadows and ghosts.
Claim your Self anew in this New Moon Energy. Call your Self into your Divine Soul and pick up where you left off centuries ago.
The Soul has memory, it does remember.
Rebirth here of the Authentic You, your Authentic Divine Self. Walk out of your fears and let the Universe Guide your verse. Such Newness is coming. Shortly you won’t recognize your past.
Claim your Light now and move it to the future. Let the old fears fade away and let the Unimaginable happen for you with the Divine expression of the Universe.

All things are possible with GOD, Source, Universe. Trust is Key.
GOD Loves You!