You can firstly Love who you are, where you are. Remember WE have internal and external alchemizing to do. FEEL all this denser Light with Compassion, knowing that’s not you.
Energy constantly shifts, so you won’t be stuck. Listen to your Body so it can shift its Consciousness. Remember, You are already Higher Consciousness, you’re not Ascending, your body is.
So the Ascension Process, the Alchemization Process is how your body Ascends into Higher States of Consciousness. This Process requires you to FEEL the denser lower Light in You.
You can not control the body. Allow this Process to happen with Ease and Grace. Get out of your own body’s way and let it bring to you what it needs. Ex: more sleep, more food, more water, more exercise.
This is a very natural Process. If you get in the way by blocking and controlling it, you’ll continue to repeat this Process because you don’t like where you are. Don’t fight it. Be comfortable in your own skin. Your body is AlchemizIng for the Collective, have Compassion for your Self.
**GOD Loves You!**
“Have a Day Surrender with Ease & Grace!!”
**Susan G Chamberlain**
Spiritual Holistic Services:
Intuitive, Mystic, Coach, Teacher, Author
Soul Alchemy Transformation™
The Soul Alchemist™
Join me for Virtual Healing, Clearing, Coaching Sessions or Virtual Workshops
Susan G Chamberlain
Spiritual Holistic Services:
Intuitive, Mystic, Coach,Teacher, Author.
Join me for Virtual Healing, Clearing, Coaching Sessions or Virtual Workshops.
Susan G Chamberlain

Spiritual Holistic Services:
Intuitive, Mystic, Coach, Teacher, Author