Fall Equinox is here. We are now 3 months before the Winter Solstice. We are in a void of Divine Energy, as we move through this Equinox toward the Illumination of the Winter Solstice.
We are in the middle of a Reset. There is Inner Self Reflection here with Saturn in Retrograde. The North Node is in Gemini, so how are you bringing your Energy, this Shift forward?
We can not go back into what’s not working in our journey. We must look toward the future with Pluto’s Empowerment Energy and focus on the Reality we’d like to be in and where you’d like Humanity to be.
Jupiter goes Direct in a forward momentum on this 22md day of the ninth month. There are intentional fires burning, as Mars is Retrograding in Aries ; it’s a fire sign.
You must get Clear on your journey and stand in your Soul Power. Look at your potentials. Many planets have been in Retrograde over the summer giving us an Internal view of our Self. Much of the lockdown has brought us Inside as well.
Breakthroughs and Healings are happening. We have an Awareness of what needs to be Healed with Conscious clarity of our Wound for personal Empowerment.

**During the Equinox, the Sun will cross the “Celestial equator”—an imaginary extension of Earth’s equator line into space. The Equinox occurs precisely when the Sun’s center passes through this line. When the Sun crosses the equator from north to south, this marks the Fall Equinox; when it crosses from south to north, this marks the Spring Equinox.